
Start your search for the perfect dentist today!

In seconds you can start comparing dentists on the care you know you need.
Search, book and manage your ongoing dental care, for FREE!

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How Charlie found the perfect dentist on AirSmile


How AirSmile Works

Compare the things important to you in seconds with instant quotes from local dentists on the dental care you want.


Start searching in seconds.

Get instant quotes in seconds from local dentists for over fifteen dental services.

Tell us what you need to book.

Book routine dental services and find the right dentist to complete the services you need.

book dental appointments on airsmile

Have you been told by a dentist you need treatment?

Select COMPARE EXISTING QUOTE from the booking options, upload a copy of the treatment plan and we’ll do the rest.

Filter and sort until you find the perfect dentist, for you.

With every other purchase you make or service provider you use, you can access information to help make your decision – now thanks to AirSmile you’ve got that for dental too.
compare dentists near you on airsmile
my dentist on airsmile

Book and manage your appointments in one place, for FREE!

Get instant access to your entire dental profile so that you can take control of everything dental in your life.

Ownership, transparency and control

We’ve made dental care simple and convenient with even more ways to help manage your smile.

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Own your records

Request records from previous dentists and upload, store and share your dental information through AirSmile.  

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Dental managment

Manage your entire dental care using our secure patient portal designed to help you control your ongoing dental care.

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Earn cash off visits

Earn points towards $20 cash off your next AirSmile visit just by showing up and referring us to your friends. 

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Compare quotes, manage your appointments, store dental records, and more. For people who want better dental.
dentist login on airsmile


Everything you need to enhance practice efficiency. For clinics that want to offer better dental.
patient login on airsmile


Compare quotes, manage your appointments, store dental records, and more. For people who want better dental.
dentist login on airsmile


Everything you need to enhance practice efficiency. For clinics that want to offer better dental.